Privacy Notice

The application SpendyApp2, also known as SpendyApp (referred to as app from now on) doens't require registration and it doesn't store remotely any user data, neither uses third party tools for analythics and crashes reports, related to the app usage. All data necessary to the app functioning are stored exlusively locally on the user phone. The backup / share button, if present, allows the user to make and store a copy of the user's data. It's up to the user to decide if he wants to make a copy of its data and where to store it To repeat it one more time, the app developer doens't care to study, collect and analyze user data and therefore none of this data are accessible to the app developer We are not responsible for any misusage of the data gathered automatically by Google and Apple, in case any data is collected. The privacy policy pertains to the developer Emanuele Garolla.